Found Drops
Bahamut |
Vepar |
Valkyrie |
Great Bahamut |
Silver Valkyrie |
Lizard King |
Shadow |
Poison Shadow |
Cursed Wizard |
Death Cow |
Devil |
Death Knight |
Death Gorgon |
Bahamut |
Vepar |
Valkyrie |
Great Bahamut |
Silver Valkyrie |
Lizard King |
Aegis2 |
Rogue Centurion 2 |
Blood Soldier 2 |
Death Angel2 |
Necron 2 |
Death Centurion 2 |
Schriker 2 |
Illusion of Kundun 2 |
Tantalus |
Beam Knight |
Zaikan |
Death Beam Knight |
Drakan |
Alpha Crust |
Death Centurion 4 |
Schriker4 |
Blood Soldier 5 |
Death Angel 5 |
Necron 5 |
Aegis 6 |
Poison Golem |
Queen Bee |
Blue Golem |
Witch Queen |
Satyros |
Blade Hunter |
Kentauros |
Shadow |
Poison Shadow |
Cursed Wizard |
Death Cow |
Devil |
Death Knight |
Death Gorgon |
Bahamut |
Vepar |
Valkyrie |
Great Bahamut |
Silver Valkyrie |
Lizard King |
Aegis2 |
Rogue Centurion 2 |
Blood Soldier 2 |
Death Angel2 |
Necron 2 |
Death Centurion 2 |
Schriker 2 |
Illusion of Kundun 2 |
Sapi-Unus |
Zombie Fighter |
Resurrected Gladiator |
Devil Fairy |
Elemental Beast |
Elemental Knight |
(Elite) Great Bahamut of Abyss |
Red Phantom Knight |
(Elite) Great Drakan |